The Starchild Garden is joyfully created space to engage the expressive little girl that lives within.  Melissa will be your Lodge Keeper and will be present to help you let go in your sharing circles of your expectations and limitations so you feel freer to make an art creation, paint your face, read a story book, make a world in the forest floor, play and create with sparkles or spend time connecting and talking in a gentle, soothing space.

Our “Little One” is the emotional heart that carries joy and innocence and also carries our wounding, our preverbal experiences and our childlike decisions that were made without the benefit of our more mature perspectives.

Circles and playtime in this Lodge is created to safely explore or gently uncover some of your wounded pieces so they can be seen, healed and celebrated, comforted and kissed all better!

In the Starchild Garden you can connect with your inner magical Self through an art project, exploring what your inner little girl needs and how we can care for her as our adult selves, and maybe go on a treasure hunt or visit the elemental troll circle deep in the forest.

Come as you are, be heard, be seen and be energetically held in a safe and secure garden to play and laugh and love up your Starchild Self!