The time together was magical and I’m thirsty for more! I loved the ritual you created and I long to keep the fires burning that have been ignited. The time spent opened my heart so wide, such compassion and acceptance hummed throughout our days together. It felt so good to be a woman. Sarah S – Artist, Nurse, Interior Decorator

This retreat saved my life, it helped me transform into the being and version I am meant to be. Lou – Valemont

Thank you for allowing me to take in such a magical gathering.
I struggled with going to a gathering with so many woman I didn’t know.
I soon found we all had a common bond.. We were sisters of the earth.
Our paths led us to that magical gathering, filled with so many offerings and blessings.
Our time together was filled with laughter, song and dance.
Learning about myself and my sisters, and how much we have to offer.
I was filled with such an empowering energy, that still carries on to this day.
Thank you Marilyn for your beautiful offering of the Sacred Moon Emergence gathering   Michelle Gill – Squirelly Creations, Kamloops BC

I really found the talk on sexuality very healing for myself as I have had much trauma and had shut that part of me down. I also was raised Catholic so I am very hard on myself for having natural instincts. The talk and swimming naked with other women was very liberating for me. I liked celebrating my moon as I always saw it as a negative thing.

The best part was seeing my girls as they were when they were little babies, just being free to be themselves. Will be back next year with my third daughter. You all did a remarkable job! Thanks so much. I never have been so happy to be a woman and I am spreading the sisterhood energy here with my girlfriends. Leslie B – Nurse, Super Mom, Smithers BC

It was so amazing and transformative. It feels so good to be heard! It changed the way I approach every relationship and conversation. The Birthing Ceremony was by far the most moving experience – Sarah Roy, Kamloops

Participating in the Sacred Moon Emergence Weekend for me was extremely transformative in ways I have rarely experienced. From beginning to end there was an element of surprise, comfort, belonging, inspiration, thankfulness, and of course sisterhood. I knew no one going in but immediately met women I felt I knew and had a long time connection to. The care taken to organize and celebrate Women was felt completely . The food was great, the ceremonies were wonderful , everything was carefully thought out and executed. us all to emerge as the feminine force we are. Hope to see you all next year.

Grace Kohn – Author “Children of Autumn- Autism Here on Purpose “ Jasper AB